I voted for my SRC
I am no politician but I have interest in politics and I am no journalist but I love journalism.
One of the images I captured. |
I am writing about my first experience supporting the Students Representative Council (SRC). Since starting varsity in 2015, the struggle did not always seem for my benefit and the previous SRC did not really try to generate issues amongst students. I did not feel the need to support other students as they fight for their living and book allowances especially as a private and not government sponsored.
3 weeks ago I was touched to the core! The SRC was fighting a good cause. Amongst the issues were unqualified lectures, lack of Wi-Fi, chairs and classes. This truly worried me, so I supported my SRC... the SRC I voted for to represent me. Everything that happened from the 1st day of striking excited me. I felt like reporting everything live but out of fear I did not.
When our SRC got suspended shem! Our blood boiled. I felt their pain and all these feeling mixed with the fact that the media was not writing anything. I enjoyed taking pictures and carefully captioning them, just incase. Going to the High Court and singing along struggle songs was super exciting!
I am glad that we are finally going back to class tomorrow (17 October 2016) and our SRC's suspension was lifted. The strike took too long and I was getting worried and tired, ready to give up. The 5 appointed MP's will let us know in 14 days how our issues will be addressed after a thorough investigation.
One may ask, was the strike really worth it? I say yes, not all issues will be addressed but there will be a difference from now on. Our SRC shall bow out having done something good.
I am going to study, writing a test tomorrow = I can't upload pics today.
Ms B