Mother's Day chat with Zitsile Maziya

We chat to Zitsile Maziya also known as Zie! She is a writer, marketer and sells designer clothes. She travels a lot yet she manages to remain a present mother to her 19 months old son. Power woman in the making! 

As fierce and carefree as she is, her son has humbled her 😊. She believes motherhood has taught her a lot especially when it comes to decision making. She no longer just thinks about herself but with every decision she makes, she thinks of her son too.

* How does it feel to be celebrating your 2nd Mother's Day? 
Celebrating Mother's Day for the second time feels so amazing. It's been 19 months of motherhood and I celebrate it every day. In fact, it should be celebrated every day.

            * Before you became a mother, what did Mother’s Day mean to you?
Growing up,  mothers' day meant nothing really. I only knew there is a day dedicated to mothers every second Sunday of May a few years ago when the day fell on my birthday.  Maybe if I had a very close relationship with my mother I would have known about mothers day at an early age.

            *  Are you the mom you thought you would be?
Not to sound selfish but I never wanted to be a mom. I spent most of the time alone.  I only knew how to care for myself.  My sister had her first born and that is when I think I developed motherly instincts. I grew the love for children and I surprised myself.  Today I can safely say I am more than what I thought I would be even though mothering someone is no joke.

4          * Any plans for Mother's Day?
Plans for Mother's Day?  Not really. But who knows maybe there is a surprise something waiting for me somewhere LOL😂. Even if it's 2 hours vacation in my own house, just to be alone and do me. That would mean a lot.

5          * Fav quote on motherhood?
The natural state of motherhood is unselfishness. When you become a mother to,  you are no longer the centre of your own universe. You relinquish that position to your children.
-Jessica Lange

* Treasured moments?
There are a lot.  I can't count them all. But the most outstanding one is when I held him for the first time.  The most recent one is when I ask for a hug.  He freely gives it to me even when I disturb him in his playing.  I really enjoy his small Hugs.  They are warm and full of love. I spend all my time with him. I am looking forward to more days with him.  He is my true joy and the true meaning of perfection. The sleepless nights, tantrums are worth it.

Happy Mother's Day
Ms B writes 


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