Mandy the hilarious Queen!
Mandy proved to be the best female comedian in the country on Friday, 21 Oct 2016. She gave a stunning 45 minutes set! Mandy on stage H er opening sequence was creative, admirable and new! She told a hilarious story of how she came to Mbabane through a mix of her voice and music tracks. The tracks included Sands’s Vuma, Ncandweni and Spirit Of Praise’s Khulul’ugcobo being the last track where she said, “Ngako ke ngiyacela Nkhosi kutsi namuhla … Khulul’gcobo!” This is what the stage looked like. That opening sequence alone made me forget that the show started 1hour 30 minutes late. What’s shocking is that they connected the sound and lights after 7:05pm, the time the show was scheduled to start. Nothing signified that there was a show happening inside the theatre club. No ushers, no signage, not even someone checking if we had tickets to the show. I also think they would have done something about the stage décor. So many times I wanted to leave but I ...