Unique Handbags with an international touch.

I have been searching for a handbag for a while now. A handbag that will store everything and still look chick even a year later. When I say everything I mean my work laptop, cosmetics, wallet, umbrella, scarf, shoes, diary and some extra things I will need. 

When a bag talks, listen. 

Retail shops have these bags but then everyone else in the country will have it. I love being unique hence I purchase some masterpieces when I travel.

I am not a handbag fanatic; I only buy 2 handbags in a year, 3 if I have money, lol. I see handbags as an investment. I have bought strong handbags before in Maputo and they still strong even now; I just don’t like them anymore.

It happened I bumped into these beautiful unique hand made handbags on instagram called ‘Don’t Touch My Bag Africa’. I eventually e-met the owner Alessandra Finotto who is an Italian born in Venice. She has lived in many countries like Milan, London and moved to Cape Town in 2011. 

With 15 years in fashion she has made shoes, bags, textile, sports, he started this business 3 years ago.   

Don’t Touch My Bag Africa are hand made from Alessandra’s house in Cape Town. These beautiful unique creations are made of leather from South Africa, new or second hand, shwe-shwe fabrics from all around Africa, denim, beads like swarovsky and glass sourced from India and South Africa.

The designs are unique hence all bags are different.

This is what I like, you know, having the only bag of its kind is quite precious and every girl’s dream. A Malawian girl who is still in training adds love to these bags and Alessandro’s aim is to empower and train local woman with artisanal skills and creativity enhancement.

Not only will you be buying a handbag from this team but you would also be empowering other woman by doing so. Talk about extra-added flavor. I love this! These bags are available in Cape Town at Helon Melon (Waterfront) and in Johannesburg at Bagsbypropaganda. For more details or to place an order simply drop a DM on this instagram account: http://instagram.com/donttouchmybagafrica

This bag is perfect for summer! 

They are usually out of stock because of her international clientele but as soon as you order, your bag gets created specially for you. They are quite affordable considering the amount of work, love, attention and passion that goes into creating it.

My personal favourite spring themed handbag. 
My personal favorite bag is this one. The exciting news is that since I have a planned visit to Cape Town already, I will be going to the studio and I will surely write about it. In addition to buying this handbag I hope I will create a new one. I’m sure they will use a Swazi touch. Exciting stuff!  

Allessandra had this to say about the bags, “The bags mean to be very resistant. The best way to wear the is to use them with no regret and fear.; like a good pair of jeans. The fabric will fringe, the leather will show sign of your life and adds to the beauty. In fact, I like to see them getting older and better. I had few offers of my personal used ones. They look super! If you are brave, you can add any decoration you like on top.”

                                                                       It's a bag thing
                                                                               Ms B



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