
Showing posts from February, 2017

Suzuki Swaziland sponsors Team Joy with transport

Team Joy Swaziland management has a reason to smile these days. Rest assured it is not post valentine smiles. Suzuki Swaziland has sponsored this organisation with transport to go wherever they need to go for their project.  The sponsorship was initially unveiled in December 2016 at Mabheleni Primary School at Maphalaleni.  Darty, Suzuki rep Team Joy Swaziland is an NGO started 3 years ago as a project of the People’s Theatre PET. PET has always had the aspect of exploring ways to educate using the arts, rather than just entertaining.  TEAM JOY!!!   Since inception, Team Joy has worked with in Sigangeni, Mabheleni, LaMgabhi, Embo, Ekwetsembeni Mdlunkhulu Primary Schools to mention a few. The children performing one of their plays. Challenges Nicholas Introducing the guests The team usually of 7 spends 7 days in a school. -           they sometimes run out of material as this NGO is run on l...

Team Joy brings Joy

I have learned that through doing charitable activities out of love and expecting nothing in return brings peace and inner joy in my life. Therefore, I don't stop. Last year November I found a new home. The smiles from these 2 young girls from Emagubheleni primary school brings joy . Team Joy is a non-profit organisation which is run by my friends in the arts industry in Swaziland. Nicholas Mamba, a theatre practitioner with over 20 years experience (I wonder how old he is because he looks 25) is the country director for Team Joy Swaziland. The children singing a song on sugar daddies. I have seen these kids come to life after reciting a song/play they were taught  about sugar daddies. The song teaches the child to call the police on the number 999 when a man touches them in places (breasts and private parts) which they point out. It was a marvel to watch. The mandate of Team Joy Swaziland is to connect educators, child...